========= Changelog ========= This page contains a summary of changes between the official cwepr releases. Only the biggest changes are listed here. A complete and detailed log of all changes is available through the `GitHub Repository Browser `_. Version 0.2.0 ============= Released 2021-11-28 **Note:** Starting with this version, cwepr requires **Python >=3.7** New features ------------ * Importer for Bruker EMX/ESP file format (.par/.spc) * *g* value can be provided for :class:`cwepr.analysis.FieldCalibration` * New module :mod:`utils` for general-purpose functions regarding cw-EPR spectroscopy * Functions :func:`cwepr.utils.convert_g2mT` and :func:`cwepr.utils.convert_mT2g` to convert between magnetic field values (in mT) and g values * Plotters can add *g* axis as second axis opposite the magnetic field axis. * :class:`cwepr.plotting.PowerSweepAnalysisPlotter` for graphical representation of power saturation curves including a second axis with the actual microwave power. * List of example recipes, available both in the source repository and from the documentation. Changes ------- * Renamed class ``FieldCorrectionValue`` to :class:`cwepr.analysis.FieldCalibration` * :class:`cwepr.processing.FieldCorrection`: Rename parameter ``correction_value`` to ``offset`` Fixes ----- * :class:`cwepr.processing.GAxisCreation` returns correct *g* axis values * Reporters do not contain dataset in their dict representation * :class:`cwepr.io.factory.DatasetImporterFactory` falls back to ASpecD-supported formats if no matching format is found. Version 0.1.2 ============= Released 2021-06-19 * Correct version on PyPI Version 0.1.1 ============= Released 2021-06-19 The following bugs have been fixed: * Bugfix in Normalisation in combination with aspecd * Bugfix in Magnettech-Import, additional test for InfofileReporter * Bugfix in GoniometerSweepImporter and Reporter to get correct format of some numbers Version 0.1.0 ============= Released 2021-06-03 * First public release * Based on ASpecD v.0.2.1 * List of processing steps specific for cw-EPR data * List of analysis steps specific for cw-EPR data * List of plots specific for cw-EPR data * Importers for different file formats * Recipe-driven data analysis Version 0.1.0.dev20 ==================== Released 2019-06-15 * First public pre-release on PyPI